the benefits of physical activity at work

The benefits of physical activity at work

Have you ever thought of exercising in a professional environment? How could workers and businesses benefit from bringing sports into the workplace?

Sports have been proven to benefit both your physical and mental health. Bringing sports into the workplace has also been shown to have advantages. More and more businesses are adopting this idea and seeing their employees flourish.

What are the advantages of physical activity?

Regularly exercising 2 to 3 times a week for about one hour is very beneficial. The World Health Organization recommends 30 minutes of physical activity a day.

As for physical health, sport helps reduce your risk of arterial hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. It prevents osteoporosis, lower back pain and obesity. It improves your endurance, stamina and flexibility.

As for mental health, sport has positive psychological effects. It eases anxieties and symptoms of depression. Sport improves the quality of your sleep, which has a positive effect on your overall mood and well-being. Sport contributes to better stress management thanks to the production of endorphins.

What are the advantages of exercising at work?

Bringing sport into the workplace offers multiple advantages for company stakeholders:

• Workers·
This is an excellent option, especially for employees that have little free time in the evenings or on the weekends. Workers can exercise while at work, during their lunch break for example. Depending on the company, running clubs could be organized, an employee gym could be set up or groups could use meeting rooms for coach-led stretching, yoga or relaxation sessions. It makes exercise easy! While exercising in the workplace is often voluntary, some managers strongly recommend it. It's better that employees participate willingly so that it doesn't become a daunting task, if not, exercise loses all benefits. Employees enjoy better health, which has a positive impact on their productivity and so much more! 

• For managers·
While productivity is stimulating and fulfilling for employees, it is just as valuable to managers and the economic well-being of the company. Productivity is truly everything! According to a study conducted by Goodwill-Management in September 2015, physical activity and sports in the workplace increase productivity by 6 to 9%.
Workplace exercise also improves employees' health and well-being so that they are sick less often and take fewer absences from work. It's a real win-win situation! 
In addition, more and more managers are favouring unorthodox team building tactics and sport is the perfect opportunity to bring teams together. Gear up in your sports outfit and get ready for an icebreaker where you learn more about your colleagues, like Chantal from accounting who is actually an ace runner and arm wrestler.

• Business
In short, all of the benefits of sport for employees and company managers are a real tool for developing a company's social and economic well-being. Workplace exercise will also improve the employer's brand image. The existing team will attract new collaborators. It's a virtuous circle that benefits everyone:

- lower employee stress;
- fewer absences;
- prevents MSDs, or musculoskeletal disorders caused by sitting for long periods;
- increased productivity;
- strengthens team spirit and cohesiveness;
- improves the social climate.

the benefits of physical activity at work

The most common workplace sports

Whether in a team or solo, in a gym or with a personal trainer, there is a wide range of sports activities that you can bring into your business. like team sports, group classes or even just walking outdoors . Find out more.

The benefits of group sports

Team members play with the goal of motivating each other, relaxing and getting to know their co-workers. Group sports include:

- Ball-centric sports like football, handball, rugby and basketball. These are the most common sports and the most popular among workers.
- Racket sports like tennis, ping-pong, squash and badminton. These sports require incredible concentration, sharpened reflexes and constant movement.

Enjoy the benefits of gentle sports

- Yoga is a practice that combines sport and well-being to improve your concentration and joint health.
- Pilates is an accessible muscle strengthening technique that strengthens deep muscles.

Fitness sports

- Zumba combines exercise with dance. It's the ideal way to relax and build a community. And it's excellent for cardio!
- Generally speaking, fitness improves muscle tone, cardio and joint mobility.

Individual sports

They especially improve your overall physical condition. Group sports include:
- Running is simple and accessible for everyone, all you need is a pair of trainers!
- Swimming (if there's a pool nearby) is an excellent way to relax at the beginning or end of your day and focus while improving your cardiovascular capacity, breathing and endurance.
- Combat sports like martial arts are well-known for improving your physical condition, focus and stress management.

How to exercise at work

Discover trainme's sports and well-being workshops with a multitude of sessions and a team of coaches available across France.

the benefits of physical activity at work

How to bring exercise into the workplace

After his career as a professional dancer, Thibault Amanieu became a sports coach specialized in health and well-being. Today, he works primarily with businesses and employees to get them moving. He tells us about it.

Whether you're a CEO or an employee, dive right in and try exercising at work to enjoy all of its benefits!

the benefits of physical activity at work

The decathlon conseilsport team

Sport, fitness and well-being: we share our tips and advice.

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