exercise and weight loss

How to exercise when overweight

Are you overweight and want to start exercising? If you don't know where to start or what sport to choose, follow our advice.

Why exercise when you're overweight?

We can never say it enough: exercise is good for your health. In addition to a healthy, balanced diet, exercise helps fight against excess weight. Exercise helps you control your weight and lose the extra pounds by burning energy. Starting an exercise regimen stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and helps you lose weight by improving the efficiency of insulin (the hormone that regulates glucose level in blood). After dieting or an initial weight loss, physical activity becomes an even more significant contributor to weight loss.

Exercise also contributes to the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by excess weight like type 2 diabetes and osteoarthritis. But that's not all: physical activity creates a genuine sense of well-being. There's nothing better for getting hooked on exercise. To feel better mentally and physically, say no to a sedentary lifestyle!

walk to lose weight

Embrace exercise

To maintain a healthy weight or to lose some extra pounds, get active through walking. This is a good way to jumpstart an active lifestyle.

Your everyday trips and errands are all good opportunities to walk. Is the elevator calling your name?Take the stairs instead.

Do you take the bus or subway? Get off at a stop before your own.

Try to walk at least 3 times a week. Increase your time walking by increments so as not to become overly worn out. First walk 15 minutes, then once you feel able, walk for 30 minutes. Once you've reached 30 minutes, pick up the pace. And why not try Nordic walking?

Which physical activity to choose when overweight?

Do you want to get your active lifestyle back? Try out a low-impact, weightless sport. Swimming or riding a recumbent exercise bike are good optionsThey especially help avoid knee pain. You can also walk on a treadmill, an effective cardio machine that lets you run or walk at your own pace.

These 3 activities safeguard your joints while helping you burn calories, tone your body, and improve your breathing.

Picking a pace

Just like with walking, we strongly recommend taking up a progressive sport. Start out right by creating a training plan (if you're not sure how, the Decathlon Coach app can help). Exercising in the morning is preferable as you will lose weight faster. The right pace First commit to 30 minute sessions, 3 times a week. Then, increase their frequency over the course of several months.

Try keeping a journal in which you describe your workouts and capabilities. This will help you keep track of your progress: the intensity level or the number of miles walked…

Finally and  most importantly, listen to your body. Rather than chasing after a number on the scale, pay attention to how you feel

As you can probably guess, we strongly recommend that everyone exercises.

Don't forget to finish off your workouts with muscle strengthening exercises to reshape your figure and tone your body.

Finally, if in doubt, consult with your doctor before starting an exercise regimen.