Before choosing
Did you know that your body doesn't draw on carb and fat reserves in the same way for every sport? The energy you exert depends on the type of sport and the level of intensity. Our body works with different fuels that behave differently 'according to the physical activity. For example, low intensity endurance sports over three minutes and more use up sugars combined with fat. This is the kind of activity that is interesting if you want to lose weight.
Don't forget that first and foremost it's moderate and prolonged exertion that burns fat, rather than short and intense exercises. With good oxygenation, the session may last for several hours. And the more you train, the more fat you will lose. To help you slim down, you need to work aerobically, i.e. between 60 and 70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR). You can calculate it as follows: 220 minus age of the individual (226 for women, whose hearts beat slightly faster than men's).