connected sport

How do i know if i'm making progress?

When you exercise regularly you will inevitably make progress, whether you measure this in terms of visible, aesthetic results or via a special application. With the proliferation of connected devices now available in everyday life, monitoring progress has never been easier. But which indicators will demonstrate that you have genuinely improved? Here is a short overview of some of the possible indicators.

When you exercise regularly you will inevitably make progress, whether you measure this in terms of visible, aesthetic results or via a special application.

With the proliferation of connected devices now available in everyday life, monitoring progress has never been easier. But which indicators will demonstrate that you have genuinely improved?

Here is a short overview of some of the possible indicators.

Measure your sporting progress by looking at your body 

This is the first, and main, indicator that will really demonstrate that you are making progress. If you exercise regularly, even without changing your diet, your body will inevitably change shape.

Of course it all depends on what kind of exercise you do and the intensity of that exercise, but your muscles will become stronger and your percentage of body fat will decrease. Result: a more athletic silhouette, something that will be obvious when you look in the mirror or put on your normal clothes.

However, you should forget about scales which present a distorted view of reality. Muscle takes up less room in the body than fat so it's possible that you could still be the same weight although you may appear (visually, anyway) to be thinner.

How do I know if I'm making progress?

Measure your progress by comparing yourself to your exercise buddy

Although everyone is different, and there's no need to compare yourself to others every second of the day, your regular training partner or team mates can be useful benchmarks when it comes to monitoring your progress.

For example, maybe when you first started playing tennis, you couldn't win a single game against your best friend. Gradually, however, you manage to take one game and then two before winning a set outright! Progress is significant and easily verifiable. Perhaps it's already time to think about finding a new training partner…

Use a sports application (perhaps decath coach)

For a number of years now, the marketplace has been saturated with mobile applications to help you track your sporting progress, every step of the way. Running, weight training, cycling and even yoga or Pilates: no activity is spared.

The advantage of these applications is that they allow large numbers of sportsmen and women to organize their exercise and see, at a glance, records of their workouts including routes completed, kilometres covered and progress made.

Decathlon coach application

There are one thousand and one ways of tracking your progress when exercising. The most important thing is to listen to your body, exercise regularly and be patient.

Good luck and share your progress with us!

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