Have you decided to take up a sport but aren't yet sure which one to choose?
Take a closer look at these 8 sports to help you decide.
Take a closer look at these 8 sports to help you decide.
The gym ball, also known as the exercise ball, is proving a real hit at gyms even though it was originally designed to be used for physiotherapy. It's a way of training your posture and building muscle without even realising it! It involves doing exercises with a large ball to work your concentration and sense of balance. Just one session will train the entire body, from your arms to your shoulders, back, bum, thighs and chest, not to mention your abs. It stretches you, improves proprioception, strengthens your muscles, and is fun. It's a shortcut to well-being!
Do you need a gentle activity? Sculpt your figure and work your entire body with a gym ball. It's low impact to protect your joints, which means that everyone can do it.
Yoga originated in the Indus Valley civilisations in India 5000 years ago. It's a mental, physical and spiritual workout. It involves performing exercises that aim to stimulate well-being, inner peace and better self-awareness. There are a large number of different types of yoga. Whether you want something soothing, relaxing, that trains your endurance, slims your figure, relieves pain or gets rid of stress, there's something out there to suit your needs.
Are you the kind of person who gets really stressed and struggles to relax? Then yoga is perfect for you! There's no age limit, so it can be done by anyone who wants to find inner peace. It can even be done by kids, older people and pregnant women.
Are you a fan of Zumba® who likes moving your body and burning energy while having fun? Then you should check out the latest new fitness trend: Bokwa®. It's a popular class that combines African dancing, capoeira, kickboxing and step. Dancers trace out letters and numbers with their feet through a series of energetic exercises. There's no fixed choreography so you don't have to count the steps. You just need to feel the music and move freely to the rhythm. It's a guaranteed thrill!
If Zumba® gave you a real buzz, you'll love this new trend. The good news is that everyone can do it, no matter how good they are at dancing. To refuel and break a sweat with a smile on your face, give this class a go.
Tempted to try bouncing to keep fit? That's the aim of this must-do fitness activity, also known as rebound, bounce and jump. The idea is that, in group classes, you learn to do small choreographed jumps to catchy songs with a good beat. It's great for building core muscle and training your breathing, without taking yourself too seriously, making mini trampolines ideal for losing weight effectively. 10 minutes of bouncing is the equivalent of half an hour of running. What's not to like?
You don't need to be a top athlete to bounce. Everyone can do it at their own pace. You can manage your cadence based on your needs. It's pain-free for your joints and can also be used as a physio tool by working on your coordination and balance. Unless you suffer from heart problems or have serious knee or back pain, it's ideal for anyone.
Weight training is a group of physical exercises designed to develop or build muscle mass and performance. It's the basis behind weightlifting, powerlifting and bodybuilding. It can also be used as physical preparation for most sports. So what are the benefits? You increase your strength and body mass, strengthen your bones, tendons and ligaments (reducing the risk of injury), reduce the amount of fat on your body and help relieve back pain.
There's no need to be a top athlete to try weight training! And although it's more popular with men, it's designed for absolutely anyone who does a physical activity and wants to increase their body mass.
TRX or Total Resistance Exercise is a discipline that was created in the United States in 2003 by a special forces commando. The principle? To perform traction exercises with the help of straps suspended from above, using your bodyweight to train your resistance. And it has an instant effect: weight loss, stronger muscles all over your body, better flexibility, improved cardio fitness, etc. Although it sounds quite strict, TRX is actually really fun: you can enjoy it without thinking too much about the effort. There's a huge number of different positions you can use (more than 300 exercises) so no two workouts need to be the same!
Everyone! Both old hands and complete novices can give it a go. The level of difficulty will depend on the exercise and the angle your body is tilted at.
Pedal your way to fitness! Group indoor cycling classes have taken over gyms, and for good reason: this all-round discipline has numerous benefits. It's all about pedalling to the beat, following your coach's instructions and letting them convince you to push your limits. Everyone's free to adjust the intensity to suit them and their abilities. And the result will be more muscle, a slimmer figure, and better cardio fitness. It trains but also relaxes your entire body. It gives you a real buzz and release.
If you've got a taste for challenges, try indoor cycling! There's nothing better for letting off steam and pushing yourself. Doing sport in a group is amazing for motivation - yet another reason to check it out.
Step into the ring and try your hand at boxing. This well-known combat sport is done one-on-one using repeated punches. It's beneficial for both your physical and mental well-being. With kickboxing, full contact, Muay Thai, boxing and savate boxing to choose from, there's something for everyone. And there are plenty of benefits to boxing: it boosts your cardiovascular system, combines varied exercises to train the entire body, improves flexibility, tones your muscles, increases self-control and develops self-confidence.
For some people it's a way of letting off steam, for others it's a cardio or mental workout, and for others it's a true martial art. And it's not just for men! More and more women are donning their gloves and stepping into the ring.
Before choosing a sport, remember to consult your doctor and speak to a coach to help you decide what would suit you best.